although its mid-may now, i originally wrote & posted this on my facebook & insta pages about a month ago. we're still on self-quarantine in this little corner of atlanta, as covid-19 cases continue to rise and social distancing is the wisest choice (imo). i thought it a good share here, too, because nothing has much changed yet, except for the gentle warmth of the sun creeping in lately to announce summer :)
i pray this finds you and your family well, safe, and thriving despite these crazy, uncertain times … and that these words soothe, encourage, and inspire you.
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it's been crickets for a bit as i've been setting up & settling into my new studio space, writing, and honing some techniques and business skills in this lockdown season ♡
i know people are hurting, scared, p’od, anxious, depressed, disconnected, discouraged, grieving, confused. you're not alone, beloveds, you're not alone. sometimes i'm all that in one afternoon.
and yet, i see victory and promise, i see wins and winners, i see hope and kindness. it helps that as one who loves Jesus, i trust His unbelievable goodness, and as a creative, i'm on constant alert for beauty. i find more intensely that each day is a choosing. i'm more aware, and i watch how i choose lately, and choose to choose ... well, well. :)
i choose to see beyond the darkness and chaos and quarantine. I choose to find the wonder, to shoot pictures, to sing, to watch supermoons at night, and to bellylaugh with besties until we cry. i choose to step into my unfinished studio. i choose to ignore unpacked supplies, to pick up the brushes, play with colors, test out forgotten supplies, slap down paint, and ... i choose. i choose. i choose.
i choose to coronacreate.
c.a.n.n.o.t. h.e.l.p. m.y.s.e.l.f.
hope you enjoy this little vid & pics of a piece I did for @suzygroovy (my beautifulbestie susan varner groover)'s birthday, collaborating with @melfowler79 (mel fowler, my beautiful friend-turned-watercolorist, using some of her lovely florals), and that it inspires you to choose good things for your own self care ♡
hit me up and tell me how YOU are doing. either here in the comments or send me an email ... i want to encourage you! xo, debra
#coronacreate #artheals #arthelps #beencouragedtoday #debrahartstudio #atlantafineartist #acrylicartist #mixedmediaartist #collageartist