On-Demand (Online) Classes


* Be sure to sign-up for Insiders Studio News for first dibs and special offers on all online workshops and classes 🤍

I’m SO excited to announce that two new courses are in the works in the Courageous Creating series! Woop! I’ve got so much goodness on both the page and the canvas, and I can’t wait to share it with you :)

Here’s a little sneak-peek at what’s been happening at my filming table!

In 2024: Intuitive Art Journaling

Ever longed to get the skinny on how to get those really cool mixed media techniques in their art journals?

Want to learn (or get a refresher on) how to create art pages that are meaningful, fun, and beautiful?

In a creative slump and need a kick-start to your creative practice?

If you said yes to any of these - this course is going to be right up your alley!

This course will be HOURS of content, including how to create intuitively. After some basics and demos of my favorite supplies, we’ll dive into how to create art journal pages with creative freedom and joy. All with YOUR unique voice and deeper meaning for you as you create pages you’ll enjoy for years to come, and that will be a beautiful record of your creative process. We’ll also talk about how to choose art media for a specific spread, how to get unblocked, getting stuck and and unstuck, and much more!

* Be sure to sign-up below for Insiders Studio News to receive first dibs and special offers on all online workshops and classes 🤍 And always, always, I have surprises for my INSIDERS community :)

In 2025: Intuitive Mixed Media

Intuitive Mixed Media is in the early stages, but I can say this much: it will be a cross between a 1-day workshop I developed a few years ago called Whispered Layers for Gathering of Artisans 2020 (yup, you guessed it…THAT yea.

We’ll take all the delicious art journal skills from Intuitive Art Journaling … and up-leveling our techniques to the canvas! It’s going to be such a fun class and I’m excited for you to see it.

* Be sure to sign-up below for Insiders Studio News for first dibs and special offers on all online workshops and classes 🤍 And always, always, I have surprises for my INSIDERS community :)

Courageous Creating went international!

A bit of a secret dream of mine, and not at all the way I imagined: my art is traveling. I was so honored when my new workshop Courageous Creating with Holy Spirit crossed the pond! As part of the Creative Christianity Summit, an online conference based in the U.K. with over 40 speakers / presenters and 80+ sessions (eep!), I offered my latest in the Courageous Creating workshop series.

I’m grateful for the Summit, host Meneske Stewart, and her team from Cheerfully Given for this amazing opportunity. And guess what?! Now “Courageous Creating with Holy Spirit” is available as an online course so that you can grab your copy, too!

CLICK HERE to learn more and get YOUR online video course - you can watch in your time, on your schedule.

You’ll get:

💕 9 video sessions designed to help you engage with Holy Spirit and grow closer to Jesus as you create

💕 Four (4) PDFs with over 35 pages of printables for use in creating your book, a “video menu” - brief synopsis/overview of each video to help you find what you’re looking for later, tools and materials list, and more!

💕 The videos are a guided ‘how-to’ tour of creating a beautiful handmade book that you can continue adding to and use practically to grow as you connect with Holy Spirit in your creative practice … or give away as a gift!

💕 Chats sprinkled along the way to encourage you, covering topics of blocks, mistakes, and failure that benefit you, no matter what your creative bend might be

💕 Access to these videos at any time to rewatch, re-inspire, and remind yourself of concepts learned

💕 You will receive an exclusive invitation to join Creative Café with Debra Hart Studio, a Facebook group dedicated to connecting you with lovely creatives like yourself, and where you can share your work, reflections, and challenges as an artist/creative, and grow spiritually. We do this through Debra’s monthly Facebook Lives, Zoom calls, and curated posts that invite lively discussions, learning experiences, and interaction. We have such a great community - you’ll get loved on!