Live Workshops 2024

Please note: All live workshop sessions have been moved to an online format for the time being. Plans for in- person sessions are in the works for 2024!

Please subscribe to my Insiders Studio News for first-looks and exclusive pre-registrations on class offerings by clicking HERE!

Online Workshops 2024


Courageous Creating with Holy Spirit


Courageous Creating: Mini Book

Courageous Creating: Art Journaling (*)

(*) Be sure to sign-up for Insiders Studio News for first dibs and special offers on all online workshops and classes 🤍

Courageous Creating went international!

A bit of a secret dream of mine, and not at all the way I imagined: my art is traveling. I was so honored that my new workshop Courageous Creating with Holy Spirit crossed the pond! As part of the Creative Christianity Summit, an online conference based in the U.K. with over 40 speakers / presenters and 80+ sessions (eep!), I offered my latest in the Courageous Creating workshop series.

I’m grateful for the Summit, host Meneske Stewart, and her team from Cheerfully Given for this amazing opportunity. And guess what?! Now “Courageous Creating with Holy Spirit” is available so that you can grab your copy, too!

CLICK HERE to learn more and get registered for YOUR online video course - you can watch in your time, on your schedule. For only $87 USD, you’ll get:

💕 9 video sessions designed to help you engage with Holy Spirit and grow closer to Jesus as you create

💕 Four (4) PDFs with over 35 pages of printables for use in creating your book, a “video menu” - brief synopsis/overview of each video to help you find what you’re looking for later, tools and materials list, and more!

💕 The videos are a guided ‘how-to’ tour of creating a beautiful handmade book that you can continue adding to and use practically to grow as you connect with Holy Spirit in your creative practice … or give away as a gift!

💕 Chats sprinkled along the way to encourage you, covering topics of blocks, mistakes, and failure that benefit you, no matter what your creative bend might be

💕 Access to these videos at any time to rewatch, re-inspire, and remind yourself of concepts learned

💕 You will receive an exclusive invitation to join Creative Café with Debra Hart Studio, a Facebook group dedicated to connecting you with lovely creatives like yourself, and where you can share your work, reflections, and challenges as an artist/creative, and grow spiritually. We do this through Debra’s monthly Facebook Lives, Zoom calls, and curated posts that invite lively discussions, learning experiences, and interaction. We have such a great community - you’ll get loved on!


FRESH & NEW CONTENT: super freeing, super-relaxing mixed media for 2021!


Hi! Courageous Creating: Mini-Book is the first in my new COURAGEOUS CREATING workshop series.

This 1/2-day workshop is LIVE and ONLINE, so literally anyone in the world can join in the fun!

We'll gather on a Saturday from 10:30am-4:30pm Eastern time

You CAN courageously create!

• Ever envision yourself creating fearlessly?

• Eoes knowing where to start feel intimidating?

• Find yourself longing to break off those creative barriers?

dust off your art supplies and join the fun!

• Are you ready for that "something beautiful" YOU created?

Let me help you ♡ let's imagine. believe. create!

LET'S ...

IMAGINE lasting transformation in your art process, BELIEVE (really believe) you can do it, and CREATE with confidence! How? In a new online course: COURAGEOUS CREATING: MINI-BOOK with Debra Hart Studio

In this brand-new, LIVE online workshop, you'll play with mixed media supplies and come away with a beautiful mini-journal you'll love and can't WAIT to share with family and friends. join in the fun!


REGISTRATION CLOSES (TBD) at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern time) which allows you time to access to create with pre-workshop bonus videos (which you'll be able to use in the project)!

After this workshop you will:

  • Know how to move past the fear of making mistakes
  • Have proven ways to get 'unstuck' at the art table
  • Be able to access your inner 'braver' (I'll teach you!)
  • 'Own your zone': get & stay in your creating sweet spot
  • Feel confident about approaching a new project


  • Obtain new markmaking goodness for your next project
  • Be equipped with layering secrets so you'll never get "muddy" results again
  • Become skilled in a simple book-binding technique using a common home office supply!


  • Exclusive invitation to Creative Café with Debra Hart Studio, a private Facebook community where we connect, I encourage and speak life into your creative journey, we share whatever our 'art' is, AND you can pose questions that I'll answer each Friday on a 30-40 minute Friday Café Live chat (don't worry, all the Lives remain inside the group, so you can watch them on YOUR schedule). And if you know me at all, you can count on other surprises along the way!

  • Exclusive Bonus PDF: "Vintage Ephemera" created just for this workshop! Includes sharp, printable vintage images, instructions on using them in this (or any!) project, plus multiple extras you might decide to use or play around with in future projects... and you're going to want to, they are really beautiful!

PDF step-by-step guide sent to you post-class!

PDF step-by-step guide sent to you post-class!

  • Live interaction with me and other class creators during the workshop! You'll be sent a ZOOM link prior to the class (nothing special needed, just a good internet connection and your computer, tablet or other watching device ... and I will send you all set-up deets & tips ahead of time!). This live ZOOM platform allows me to provide a more personalized experience for you, Q&A segments, for-you-encouragement, and special teaching only available live!

BONUSES, PART 2: (yes, there is MORE ... can you tell I'm excited?!)

  • Pre-workshop video lesson! Create your own TEXTURED mixed media papers, using a brand-new technique I've been working on!
  • Post-workshop "Step-by-Step" PDF to refer to again and again, filled with tons of detailed instructions and photos!
  • Post-workshop access to recorded class so you can go back and rewatch on YOUR schedule ... can anyone say #REPLAY?!