2020 vision

I don't often find myself drawn to reposts from other people, but this one is especially for my creative ones, regardless of whether you are a vocational 'maker,' just want to up your artful game or see uncommon breakthrough in your life.

Heading into 2020, i'm lighthearted and so expectant about what the future holds. this doesn't mean it will be easy or all unicorns and rainbows ...just don't tell the littles in my life that! 🦄

It does mean I've entered into - since the end of september, actually - a season of thankfulness for what I've been given to do. I'm evaluating, listening, and releasing things from the last season that either no longer serve me well or hinder the journey. it's been empowering and lightening.

One of my favorite times of the year is the quiet of post-christmas activities, when I have time to pause & think about the past year and dream about the new one. I confess I've not always done this, or done it well, or done it the ways others do. I recent years, however, I've grown at a lightning pace because of the insight it brings. I've found this pull-away time to be of incredible value in moving forward into the things I have in my heart to do.

As you may have noticed elsewhere on this site, I'm in an artist mentoring program with hundreds of other artists from around the world. When this video popped up today on my Facebook notifications, I was delighted at the timing. I grabbed a cup of coffee and set time aside to watch, and ended up making notes to bring along for upcoming christmas travels.

It is so good! I'm looking forward to marinating in the process Matt talks about in this teaching. It is inspiring and thought-provoking, and I have a sneaky hunch you might benefit too. enjoy!

xo, debra ♡

ps: If you're interested in finding out more about the mentoring program, click here.

Source: https://debrahartstudio.com/blog/2020-visi...