it's 2020 alright. and it's moving.
since mid-January, i've been in the midst of moving both my studio and my business life and personal life. i'm excited because it's a new year, a new studio space, a new zip code, new dreams and opportunities.
i'm also struck by the things highlighted right now all around me as i also downsize...thoughts and physical actions revolving around the words "clutter" and "purging" and "letting go."
it's been a lot easier ... and a lot harder ... than i imagined. day after day i'm drenched in choice after choice.
for example, i love de-cluttering and purging. this is the easy part. i'm an organizer at heart, and there's something wonderfully rewarding in seeing closets get organized, storage spaces purged, rooms rearranged. there's something uber-cathartic seeing trash bag after trash bag leave the premises. forever. "yay, me!" i think. (and, well, "how in the world did i end up with all this stuff?" i also think.)
letting go though...i don't always do so well on the letting go; hence the hard part. this is been one giant exercise in really choosing well. choices about what i really want to take into this next space, which, i'm discovering, also means an entirely new season.
so many choices about photos and drawings and letters, knicknacks and home decor and journals and gifts ... what do i keep? what do i donate? who could use this or that? what has served me well? what represents the old season? what brings me joy? (oh, yes, my friend susan and i had a grand ol' time with that one ... an entire "JOY! v. NO JOY!" session in my kitchen as we packed).
i think my ratpacking tendencies linger from being the child of a wonderfully adaptive mom who taught us not to throw away anything that "might" be useful. i'm certain she learned that young as well, as a post Depression-era kid. i'm not knocking it, because there have been some wonderful, crazy, creative consequences that will make another blog post one day. it does mean, though, that i've had to figure out how to unfriend my stuff.
goodbye, meat-packing-trays-that-were-supposed-to-be-paint-palettes, i'm unfriending you! goodbye, you 20 empty 3-ring binders, left over from homeschooling days, i'm unfriending you! goodbye, stash-of-empty-toilet-paper-rolls-with-a-future-as-a-mark-making-tool, i'm unfriending you! goodbye-upcycled-glass-pickle-jars-how-many-students-did-i-think-i-was-going-to-teach-at-once?!, i'm definitely unfriending you!
(i'm not making up this stuff, lol)
it's been a bit of a journey for me to learn to release things that are no longer useful or meaningful. one way has been to embrace the idea that it might actually be for someone else's benefit when i sell or give something away (or dump it, for crying out loud).
and the other is the realization that in order for the new to arrive, there has to be room for it in my life. "release to receive" as my mentor calls it.
so while moving is hardly on my top 10, it has been good. i have a whole lot i want to receive, so here i go. release away, young jedi!
would love to know what you're releasing today, to make room for the more that's on it's way :)
xo, debra ♡